Make sure to check out Headless!

I haven’t updated this site in a while but since last year I’ve taken a break from any publishing through Fright and been working with Scout Comics. If anyone hasn’t checked it out yet if you like my work I highly suggest you read my most recent comic, Headless.

I have other books coming out in the future as well but none planned with Fright as of right now. I may even bring some of the work I’ve published through Fright to other publishers one day, only time will tell.

I’ll post more up dates as they come and thanks to anyone reading this and keeping up with my work. I really appreciate the support!

Physical comics available now

I've recently put physical copies of the single issues for Champions of Earth and Captives for sale in the shop. So if you're interested in owning some single issues you can now pick them up on the site.

I plan to primarily use Comixology for distribution at the moment but I understand there's a lot of people out there who like to read single issues or just collect them so feel free to pick them up in the shop now! 

Captives and Champions of Earth issue #2 available on Comixology now!

Hey, everyone, this is just a quick heads up, Captives and Champions of Earth issue 2 are available on Comixology now. I've recently deleted the digital versions of the books from the site, so if you want to read the comics digitally you'll have to head over to Comixology. 


 Here's a link to check out Fright Comics store page on Comixology!


More books will be on there soon, so keep an eye out!



Captives issue 1 available on Comixology

Great news, Captives issue 1 is available on Comixology now

Click this link here if you want to have a copy of Captives you can read with their patented guided view that brings you from panel to panel!

In the future I'll likely start using Comixology as my main source for digital comics, but for the moment I'll still be offering DRM free PDF's for a little while longer so get them while you still can!